Psychology & Psychiatry

Infant eye movement and cognition

Interactions between infants and their environment are limited because of the infants' poor motor abilities. So investigating infant cognition is no easy task. Which sensory event is the result of the infant's own motor action ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Don't look now - I'm trying to think

Children with autism look away from faces when thinking, especially about challenging material, according to new research from Northumbria University.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Babies are born with 'intuitive physics' knowledge, researcher says

While it may appear that infants are helpless creatures that only blink, eat, cry and sleep, one University of Missouri researcher says that studies indicate infant brains come equipped with knowledge of "intuitive physics."

Psychology & Psychiatry

Digital worlds can help autistic children to develop social skills

The benefits of virtual worlds can be used to help autistic children develop social skills beyond their anticipated levels, suggest early findings from new research funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Infants trained to concentrate show added benefits

Although parents may have a hard time believing it, even infants can be trained to improve their concentration skills. What's more, training babies in this way leads to improvements on other, unrelated tasks.

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