Oncology & Cancer

Men need to take melanoma seriously

It's only April, but many people across the country and the globe are already enjoying summerlike temperatures. But getting out in the sun also increases your risk of getting skin cancer.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

'The pandemic won't stop us': the Beijingers skirting Covid rules

Mothers hosting playdates near cordoned-off parks, mahjong maestros huddled in streets and youngsters slugging night-time beers on barricaded sidewalks—Beijingers are making the most of the small spaces available as China's ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

How to protect yourself from ticks

Researchers say there are precautions those heading outside can take to limit risk from disease-carrying ticks. Take time to familiarize yourself with which tick species may be common in your area, as well as some common ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Prague COVID ward staff do away with protective suits

Doctors treating COVID patients at a Prague hospital have shed their once mandatory protective suits, claiming that bacteria clinging to their sleeves actually increased mortality.


Nursing schools see applications rise, despite COVID burnout

Nurses around the U.S. are getting burned out by the COVID-19 crisis and quitting, yet applications to nursing schools are rising, driven by what educators say are young people who see the global emergency as an opportunity ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

COVID-19 patients moved abroad as Czech hospitals struggle

With record numbers of COVID-19 patients filling up intensive care units in the Czech Republic, the first patient to be moved outside of the country was transported to southern Poland on Tuesday.


China exported more than 220 billion masks in 2020: government

China exported more than 220 billion face masks last year, the commerce ministry said Friday, the equivalent of nearly 40 per person outside China as demand for protective gear skyrocketed during the coronavirus pandemic.

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