Psychology & Psychiatry

Muscle-building linked to weapon carrying and physical fighting

Gun violence and school violence have been on the rise since the pandemic, as have eating disorders and body image issues among adolescents—which includes an emphasis on muscularity as today's body ideal for many boys. ...


Women locked in care cycle as COVID-19 diverts funds

Health inequalities facing women and girls, already stark before the onset of COVID-19, have widened glaringly during the pandemic. Lockdowns restricted access to sexual and reproductive health services, increased violence ...


How to improve gender equity in medicine

Gender equity and racial diversity in medicine can promote creative solutions to complex health problems and improve the delivery of high-quality care, argue authors in an analysis in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal).


Wide-ranging gender disparities remain in pediatrics

Three commonly argued justifications for the persistent discrimination and gender bias that prevent women from rising to leadership positions in the field of pediatric medicine have been debunked by a Drexel University College ...

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