
Sex, gender, or both in medical research

No one can deny that men and women have different genes, biology and anatomical features. However, only a minority of medical studies take this into account when analyzing and reporting research results. Time to hold researchers ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

British Columbia first in Canada to provide free contraception

The Canadian province of British Columbia announced Tuesday that it will make prescription contraceptives free for all, a first in the country at a time when women's rights are under attack in the neighboring United States.

Arthritis & Rheumatism

Filling data gaps: Gender equity in academic rheumatology

Evidence on gender equity in academic rheumatology in Europe is currently limited. This knowledge gap has a direct effect on the ability of professional bodies to improve gender equity.


Women locked in care cycle as COVID-19 diverts funds

Health inequalities facing women and girls, already stark before the onset of COVID-19, have widened glaringly during the pandemic. Lockdowns restricted access to sexual and reproductive health services, increased violence ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Gender stereotypes keep women in the out-group

Women have accounted for half the students in U.S. medical schools for nearly two decades, but as professors, deans, and department chairs in medical schools their numbers still lag far behind those of men. Why long-held ...

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