
Asking patients about sexual orientation, gender identity

Patients are open to being asked about their sexual orientation and gender identity in primary care, which can help make health care more welcoming, although the stage should be set for these questions and they should include ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Researchers can predict childhood social transitions

Increasingly, children who identify as the gender "opposite" their sex at birth are changing their names, pronouns and often hairstyle and clothing. But questions remain for doctors, researchers and families: Who is transitioning ...


Science Says: Sex and gender aren't the same

Anatomy at birth may prompt a check in the "male" or "female" box on the birth certificate—but to doctors and scientists, sex and gender aren't always the same thing.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Gender 'nonconformity' takes mental toll on teens

(HealthDay)—American teens whose behavior, appearance or lifestyle do not conform to widely held views on what it is to be a "normal" male or female face a high risk for mental distress and drug abuse, new research warns.

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