Psychology & Psychiatry

From gender identity disorder to gender identity creativity

In exercise books, sports line-ups, or in the simple act of going to the bathroom, school children have to answer the seemingly simple question, "are you a boy or a girl?" For Canadian school kids who exhibit cross-gender ...


'Queer Bioethics': The birth of a new academic discipline

It's not every day that a new academic discipline is born. But that's exactly what happened in 2010, when the Project on Bioethics, Sexuality and Gender Identity — or "Queer Bioethics," for short—came to life at the University ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Teens tell different tales about themselves depending on gender

During adolescence, the stories young people tell about themselves reflects their development of a personal identity and sense of self, and those autobiographical narratives vary depending on the teens' gender, according ...

Medical research

Emotionality in adolescent males is driven by hormonal changes

(Medical Xpress) -- Researchers led by a team from the University of Glasgow and Oslo University Hospital, Norway have discovered that while changes in the emotions of adolescent females are directly related to age those ...


Sexual minority women are often victims of abuse

Adult lesbian and bisexual women are more likely to report childhood abuse and adult sexual assault than heterosexual women, according to a new study by Dr. Keren Lehavot from the VA Puget Sound Health Care System in Seattle, ...


Health care of transsexual persons causes unnecessary suffering

In 1972, Sweden became the first country in the world to legislate healthcare for transsexualism within the state-financed healthcare system. In an international perspective, this was considered to be radical. It was expected ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Probing Question: How important is coming out of the closet?

What is life like for young gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered people in our nation today? Your impression might depend on which news report you happen to catch. Stories reporting on Gay-Straight Alliance clubs in conservative ...

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