
Novel biomarker for glucocorticoids could help tailor treatments

Researchers have uncovered pathways involved in the body's response to glucocorticoid treatments and identified a novel biomarker that could be used to monitor how these drugs work in patients, according to a clinical study ...

Medical research

A master regulator of kidney health?

End-stage kidney disease often begins with injury to podocytes. These highly specialized cells are a critical part of the glomeruli, clusters of capillaries that serve as the filtration units in our kidneys' tightly-packed ...

Medical research

Lymphoma's different route revealed

Creating new blood vessels, a process called angiogenesis, for tumors in lymph nodes is different than for tumors in other parts of the body, such as the colon or lung, a team from the Max Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine ...


Form of severe malnutrition linked to DNA modification

A group led by researchers at Baylor College of Medicine has identified significant differences at the epigenetic level—the chemical tags in DNA that help regulate gene expression—between two clinically distinct forms ...

Oncology & Cancer

Overstuffed cancer cells may have an Achilles' heel

In a study using yeast cells and data from cancer cell lines, Johns Hopkins University scientists report they have found a potential weak spot among cancer cells that have extra sets of chromosomes, the structures that carry ...


Why visual stimulation may work against Alzheimer's

Several years ago, MIT neuroscientists showed that they could dramatically reduce the amyloid plaques seen Alzheimer's disease in mice simply by exposing the animals to light flickering at a specific frequency.

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