Oncology & Cancer

You got your mother's eyes. Will you get her breast cancer?

Sometimes, when you look in the mirror you find your family looking back. It can be a source of pride—in some families, chins, noses, earlobes—even the way your brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles talk and laugh all seem ...

Oncology & Cancer

What you need to know about the PALB2 breast cancer gene

Most of us have heard about the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Men and women with a personal and/or family history of breast cancer have been offered testing for mutations in these two genes for a number of years to determine if ...


When mad AIOLOS drags IKAROS down: A novel pathogenic mechanism

Primary immunodeficiencies, such as severe combined immunodeficiency disease (SCID), occur when the immune system does not work properly, leading to increased susceptibility to various infections, autoimmunity, and cancers. ...

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