
Arrhythmia genes more common than previously thought

By sequencing known genes associated with cardiac arrhythmia risk in more than 20,000 people without an indication for genetic testing, scientists were able to identify pathogenic and likely pathogenic variants in nearly ...

Oncology & Cancer

High prevalence of germline variants in rare endocrine tumors

Certain kinds of tumors can be inherited within families. Identifying the underlying genetic cause is important in treatment, but most studies on these tumors have been carried out on Caucasian populations. Now, a research ...

Oncology & Cancer

You got your mother's eyes. Will you get her breast cancer?

Sometimes, when you look in the mirror you find your family looking back. It can be a source of pride—in some families, chins, noses, earlobes—even the way your brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles talk and laugh all seem ...

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