Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Berlin to exclude unvaccinated from bars, cinemas, hairdressers

Germany's capital Berlin will from Monday tighten the screws on unvaccinated people by denying them access to indoor dining, bars, gyms and hairdressers in an effort to contain a coronavirus resurgence.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Dutch propose curfew to rein in virus; will ban more flights

The Dutch government wants to impose a curfew as part of beefed-up restrictions to rein in the spread of a new more contagious virus variant that already accounts for at least one in 10 Dutch infections.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

New Zealand extends Auckland lockdown as virus cluster grows

New Zealand's government on Friday extended a lockdown of its largest city Auckland for another 12 days as it tries to stamp out its first domestic coronavirus outbreak in more than three months.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

German agency slams too many 'exceptions' to virus rules

Germany's Robert Koch Institute (RKI) health agency on Thursday called for stronger measures to bring down coronavirus infections, noting many people not doing enough to reduce social contacts.


Experts question election pledges on GP access

As the general election in the UK approaches, experts writing in The BMJ this week question whether the party promises on access to general practice are likely to be achievable.


UK unveils pharmacies plan to ease NHS pressure

Britain's pharmacists will soon be able to prescribe drugs that were previously only authorized by doctors, under government plans unveiled Tuesday to ease pressure on the state-run National Health Service.


Satisfaction with UK's NHS hits record low: Survey

Public satisfaction with the UK's state-funded National Health Service (NHS) hit record lows in 2023, research suggested on Wednesday, with long waits for appointments a central grievance.

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