
Epigenetic changes and disease – what is the connection?

Previous research has shown that there is a connection between epigenetic changes and some of our common illnesses. But what does this connection mean? A new study shows that external factors, such as lifestyle aspects, often ...


Genetic variants found to play key role in human immune system

It is widely recognized that people respond differently to infections. This can partially be explained by genetics, shows a new study published today in Nature Communications by an international collaboration of researchers ...


Mapping genes could improve cancer diagnosis

Large-scale changes to the structure of the genome are often seen in cancer cells. Scientists at the Babraham Institute in Cambridge, UK, have found a way to detect these changes, which could enhance cancer diagnosis and ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Poor diet, plus Alzheimer's gene, may fuel disease (Update)

A diet high in cholesterol, fat and sugar may influence the development of Alzheimer's disease in people who carry the ApoE4 gene, a leading risk factor for the memory-erasing disease, indicates a new USC study.

Oncology & Cancer

An initial step toward blood tests for early detection of cancer

In a study of 124 patients with advanced breast, lung, and prostate cancers, a new, high-intensity genomic sequencing approach detected circulating tumor DNA at a high rate. In 89 percent of patients, at least one genetic ...

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