Autism spectrum disorders

Study identifies 69 genes that increase the risk for autism

A UCLA-led research team has identified dozens of genes, including 16 new genes, that increase the risk of autism spectrum disorder. The findings, published in the journal Cell, were based on a study of families with at least ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Sex hormones impact career choices

(Medical Xpress) -- Teacher, pilot, nurse or engineer? Sex hormones strongly influence people's interests, which affect the kinds of occupations they choose, according to psychologists.


Mexican genetics study reveals huge variation in ancestry

In the most comprehensive genetic study of the Mexican population to date, researchers from UC San Francisco and Stanford University, along with Mexico's National Institute of Genomic Medicine (INMEGEN), have identified tremendous ...


Massive genome study informs the biology of reading and language

What is the biological basis of our uniquely human capacity to speak, read and write? A genome-wide analysis of five reading- and language-based skills in many thousands of people, published in PNAS, identifies shared biology ...


How procrastinators and doers differ genetically

Some people tend to postpone actions. In women, this trait is associated with a genetic predisposition toward a higher level of dopamine in the brain. This is what researchers from Ruhr-Universität Bochum and the Technical ...

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