Medical research

Scientists map the genomic blueprint of the heart

Scientists at the Gladstone Institutes have revealed the precise order and timing of hundreds of genetic "switches" required to construct a fully functional heart from embryonic heart cells—providing new clues into the ...


Novel genetic factors contribute to Parkinson's risk

Investigators have discovered novel genetic factors that contribute to the risk of Parkinson's disease, according to a Northwestern Medicine study published in the journal Brain.


Genetic mutation linked to asbestos exposure

Mice inhabiting an area known for its high concentration of asbestos-contaminated dust, have a higher level of genetic somatic mutations, compared with other regions where asbestos pollution levels are lower. This has been ...


Reducing risk of cardiovascular disease

There is more to consider than just cholesterol levels when it comes to cardiovascular health. Experts at Baylor College of Medicine say even if you have lowered your cholesterol and have been prescribed statins, new data ...

Oncology & Cancer

Scientists get closer to a better PSA test

The most common screening test for prostate cancer so often returns a false positive result that it's no longer recommended for men older than 70, and it's offered as a personal choice for younger men.


New biochemical discoveries into developing disease

Researchers have undertaken the most comprehensive investigation of genetic variance in human metabolism and discovered new insights into a range of common diseases. Their work has revealed 37 new variants that are associated ...

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