Medical research

Researcher calls for one-person trials for personalized medicine

"All things are poison, and nothing is without poison, the dosage alone makes it so a thing is not a poison." These were the words of Paracelsus, a Swiss physician who recognized back in the 16th century that every medicine ...

Medical research

Antibody technologies take a step closer to precision medicine

The search for better cancer treatments continues, as current options often cause severe side effects. Less than 5% of experimental anticancer drugs are approved for use in humans, but scientists are bringing new technologies ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Bats in Northeast India carry filoviruses that can infect humans

Researchers have proposed that bats are the natural reservoir of filoviruses, including highly fatal Ebola and Marbug viruses. Now, researchers report in PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases that in Northeast India, bats, as ...

Oncology & Cancer

When should NHS contact patients over faulty genes?

The NHS and health services worldwide need to develop policies on when patients should be "re-contacted" about faulty genes, as the current lack of guidance creates a dilemma for health services, experts have warned.

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