
Study reveals how glial cells may play key epilepsy role

A new study provides potential new targets for treating epilepsy and new fundamental insights into the relationship between neurons and their glial "helper" cells. In eLife, scientists at MIT's Picower Institute for Learning ...

Oncology & Cancer

How a common oral bacteria makes colon cancer more deadly

Researchers at the Columbia University College of Dental Medicine have determined how F. nucleatum—a common oral bacteria often implicated in tooth decay—accelerates the growth of colon cancer. The study was published ...


Just a few drinks can change how memories are formed

One of the many challenges with battling alcohol addiction and other substance abuse disorders is the risk of relapse, even after progress toward recovery. Even pesky fruit flies have a hankering for alcohol, and because ...


New genetic pathways linked to severe lung disease in preemies

Scientists from Stanley Manne Children's Research Institute at Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago and colleagues identified promising new genetic pathways associated with severe lung disease in extremely ...

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