Oncology & Cancer

Early detection is key in the fight against ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer is a rare but often deadly disease that can strike at any time in a woman's life. It affects one in 70 women and in the past was referred to as a silent killer, but researchers have found there are symptoms ...


Neurons that control overeating also drive appetite for cocaine

Researchers at Yale School of Medicine have zeroed in on a set of neurons in the part of the brain that controls hunger, and found that these neurons are not only associated with overeating, but also linked to non-food associated ...


World's first bedside genetic test proves effective

Tailored anti-platelet therapy, made possible through a novel point-of-care genetic test, optimizes treatment for patients who carry a common genetic variant, researchers at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute (UOHI) ...

Oncology & Cancer

Team discovers gene mutations linked to pancreatic cancer

Six genes contain mutations that may be passed down in families, substantially increasing a person's risk for pancreatic cancer. That's according to Mayo Clinic research published in the June 19 edition of the JAMA. However, ...


Epigenetics emerges powerfully as a clinical tool

A study coordinated by Manel Esteller, published in Nature Reviews Genetics, highlights the success of this area of research to predict the behavior and weaknesses of tumors.


Reducing risk of cardiovascular disease

There is more to consider than just cholesterol levels when it comes to cardiovascular health. Experts at Baylor College of Medicine say even if you have lowered your cholesterol and have been prescribed statins, new data ...

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