
Research shows hope for personalized genome sequencing

Imagine if you could carry a credit card-size record of all the 3 billion A's, T's C's, and G's that make up the alphabet soup of your genome. A simple swipe of the card could inform your physician right away if a drug being ...


A new era for genetic interpretation

Millions of genetic variants have been discovered over the last 25 years, but interpreting the clinical impact of the differences in a person's genome remains a major bottleneck in genomic medicine. In a paper published in ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study provides comprehensive look at brain cancer treatments

Led by the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen) and UC San Francisco (UCSF), a comprehensive genetic review of treatment strategies for glioblastoma brain tumors was published today in the Oxford University Press ...

Medical research

Team finds key to making neurons from stem cells

A research team at UC San Francisco has discovered an RNA molecule called Pnky that can be manipulated to increase the production of neurons from neural stem cells.

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