Immune system uses two-step verification to defend against HIV

Human immunodeficiency virus 1, more commonly known as HIV-1, is known for its uncanny ability to evade the immune system. Scientists at Scripps Research and collaborators have now uncovered how our innate immune system—the ...

Inflammatory disorders

DNA building blocks regulate inflammation

Mitochondria are the energy suppliers of our body cells. These tiny cell components have their own genetic material, which triggers an inflammatory response when released into the interior of the cell. The reasons for the ...


'Jumping' DNA regulates human neurons

The human genome contains over 4.5 million sequences of DNA called "transposable elements," virus-like entities that "jump" around and help regulate gene expression. They do this by binding transcription factors, which are ...


Unique HIV reservoirs in elite controllers

Xu Yu, MD, Ragon group leader, recently published a study entitled "Distinct viral reservoirs in individuals with spontaneous control of HIV-1," in Nature. Yu's lab, in collaboration with Ragon group leaders Mathias Lichterfeld, ...

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