
HPV vaccine shows success in gay, bisexual men

A study by Monash University and Alfred Health found a 70 percent reduction in one type of human papillomavirus (HPV) in gay and bisexual men after the implementation of the school-based HPV vaccination program.


Should you take fish oil? Depends on your genotype

Fish oil supplements are a billion-dollar industry built on a foundation of purported, but not proven, health benefits. Now, new research from a team led by a University of Georgia scientist indicates that taking fish oil ...


Romantic relationship dynamics may be in our genes

Variations in a gene called CD38, which is involved in attachment behavior in non-human animals, may be associated with human romantic relationship dynamics in daily life, according to a study published in Scientific Reports.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Identification of stomach flu culprit

Norovirus is a major cause of acute gastroenteritis, with at least 49 different norovirus genotypes. GII.4 genotype is responsible for the majority of norovirus epidemic outbreaks. The genotypes associated with medically-attended ...

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