Medical research

Gut bacteria mine dietary fiber to release beneficial nutrients

A new study from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis demonstrates that certain human gut microbes can mine dietary fiber to extract nutrients that otherwise would remain inaccessible to the human body. The ...

Medical research

Microbes in the gut may influence metabolism

The 10 trillion bacteria living in your digestive system may not be human, but they seem to be as integral to your body as your heart or liver. A growing number of studies are finding that microbes in the gut directly influence ...


Bacteria in the gut have a direct line to the brain

With its 100 million neurons, the gut has earned a reputation as the body's "second brain"—corresponding with the real brain to manage things like intestinal muscle activity and enzyme secretions. A growing community of ...

Medical research

Bacteria in the gut may alter aging process, study finds

An international research team led by Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) has found that microorganisms living in the gut may alter the aging process, which could lead to the development of food-based ...

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