Psychology & Psychiatry

Prevalence of eating disorders 1.4 percent in preteens

(HealthDay)—The prevalence of eating disorders among 9- to 10-year-olds in the United States is 1.4 percent, with no difference in prevalence between boys and girls, according to a research letter published online Nov. ...


What's driving high pregnancy rates in Kenyan schools

During Kenya's national schools exams, an alarming number of girls were reported to be pregnant or in labour, and so couldn't take the exam. In just one county, 72 girls taking the exams were pregnant while 38 gave birth ...


Separated Bhutanese twins leave Australia hospital

"Cheeky" Bhutanese conjoined twins who were successfully separated after a marathon operation in Australia left hospital Monday, with doctors saying they had made an excellent recovery and were starting to act independently.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Women's wellness: Tips for guiding girls to a healthy body image

Girls often face significant pressure to look attractive. The quest for a perfect body or appearance can take a heavy toll, though. Find out what you can do to help young girls develop and maintain a healthy body image and ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Brain changes found in self-injuring teen girls

The brains of teenage girls who engage in serious forms of self-harm, including cutting, show features similar to those seen in adults with borderline personality disorder, a severe and hard-to-treat mental illness, a new ...

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