
Hypospadias not related to organic diet during pregnancy

(HealthDay)—Although no obvious relationship between organic diet during pregnancy and hypospadias has been found, frequent consumption of non-organic high-fat dairy products during pregnancy might be associated with increased ...


Germany to legalize anonymous hospital births

(AP)—The German government wants to allow women to use false names when giving birth in hospitals while still ensuring that children born this way can learn the mother's name after turning 16.

Autism spectrum disorders

Folic acid lowers risk of autism, study finds

Women who take a vitamin B9 supplement (folic acid) during the beginning weeks of their pregnancy can cut the risk of having a child with autism in half. But the supplement has no effect if it is started more than 8 weeks ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Virus and genes involved in causation of schizophrenia

For the first time, an international team of researchers has found that a combination of a particular virus in the mother and a specific gene variant in the child increases the risk of the child developing schizophrenia.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Stress hormone foreshadows postpartum depression in new mothers

Women who receive strong social support from their families during pregnancy appear to be protected from sharp increases in a particular stress hormone, making them less likely to develop postpartum depression, according ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Lower autism risk with folic acid supplements in pregnancy

Women who took folic acid supplements in early pregnancy almost halved the risk of having a child with autism. Beginning to take folic acid supplements later in pregnancy did not reduce the risk. This is shown in new findings ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

High hormone levels signal increased likelihood of pregnancy, birth

–Women with a high concentration of anti-Müllerian hormone stand a better chance of giving birth after in vitro fertilization, according to a recent study accepted for publication in The Endocrine Society's Journal of ...

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