Medical research

Study debunks link between moderate drinking and longer life

Probably everyone has heard the conventional wisdom that a glass of wine a day is good for you—or you've heard some variation of it. The problem is that it's based on flawed scientific research, according to a new report ...


Nighttime fast may top calorie counting, study finds

In an age of long commutes, late sports practices, endless workdays and 24/7 television programming, the image of Mom hanging up her dish towel at 7 p.m. and declaring "the kitchen is closed" seems a quaint relic of an earlier ...


Alcohol kills brain cells: Addressing a medical myth

Do you ever wake up with a raging hangover and picture the row of brain cells that you suspect have have started to decay? Or wonder whether that final glass of wine was too much for those tiny cells, and pushed you over ...


The neurons that help to distinguish between very similar odors

Order wine at a fancy restaurant, and the sommelier might describe its aroma as having notes of citrus, tropical fruit, or flowers. Yet, when you take a whiff, it might just smell like … wine. How can wine connoisseurs ...


Risk of disease partially set in womb, scientists say

Pregnant women sacrifice many of life's simple pleasures - caffeine, sushi, a glass of wine - in the hope that their baby will be born healthy. But according to a provocative new field of research, what happens during pregnancy ...

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