Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

HIV 'significant' risk factor for severe COVID: WHO

HIV is a "significant" risk factor for severe COVID-19, the World Health Organization said in research published on Thursday that showed a major increase in deaths among patients who have the virus that causes AIDS and are ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

WHO: Delta variant is 'most transmissible' identified so far

The head of the World Health Organization said the COVID-19 delta variant, first seen in India, is "the most transmissible of the variants identified so far," and warned it is now spreading in at least 85 countries.


WHO push to tackle rampant rise of diabetes

The World Health Organization on Wednesday turned the spotlight on the insulin market—and its domination by three Big Pharma giants—in a fresh bid to tackle the rapid rise of diabetes.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Expert says origins of pandemic could be known in few years

The global community will find out "fairly soon, within the next few years" what started the coronavirus pandemic, a key member of a World Health Organization-led investigation into the pandemic's origins said on Wednesday.


Covid vaccines block disease, but do they stop infection?

As reports this week from Scotland and Israel—where much or most of the population have gotten COVID jabs—confirm that vaccines largely prevent people from getting sick, another question is emerging: do they also block ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

When will the world be vaccinated against COVID-19?

The global effort to find vaccines for COVID-19 has been incredibly successful, with multiple vaccines demonstrating high efficacy in clinical trials less than a year after the disease was discovered.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Coronavirus crippling fight against other pandemic: TB

The global community is missing the chance to end the "modern tragedy" of tuberculosis, the biggest infectious killer, experts said Monday, warning how Earth's other pandemic will worsen during COVID-19.

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