Psychology & Psychiatry

With one suicide every 40 seconds, WHO urges action

Nearly 800,000 people commit suicide each year—more than those killed by war and homicide or breast cancer, the World Health Organization said Monday, urging action to avert the tragedies.


Researchers find new mutation in the leptin gene

The global obesity epidemic is so far-reaching it now has an overarching name: globesity. Texas Biomed Staff Scientist Raul Bastarrachea, M.D., is part of a team that discovered a new mutation in the gene that regulates the ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

A new picture of dengue's growing threat

Research published today in Nature Microbiology paints a startling new picture of where dengue, the world's fastest-growing mosquito-borne virus, will spread to put more than 6 billion people at risk toward the end of the ...

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