
Top ten tips to combat diabetes this New Year

(Medical Xpress)—Getting your family and friends to support you in being physically active and setting yourself physical activity goals are among the top ten tips scientifically proven to help combat Type 2 diabetes.


Which blood sugar monitor is best?

Monitoring the level of glucose (sugar) in your blood is vital if you have diabetes. You get results in real-time, which allows you to adjust your medications, exercise and food accordingly.

Medical research

Fatty fish consumption found to increase cell membrane fluidity

Eating fatty fish decreased the lipophilic index in people with impaired glucose metabolism or coronary heart disease, according to a new study from the University of Eastern Finland. The lipophilic index is considered a ...


Glyburide, metformin have similar effect in gestational DM

(HealthDay)—For patients with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), glyburide and metformin are comparable in terms of glucose control and safety, according to a study published online Jan. 11 in Diabetes Care.

Medical research

Weight loss surgery not only shrinks waists but also affects genes

Gastric bypass surgery can drastically reduce the body weight of obese individuals in a short timeframe. For reasons that are not entirely clear, the surgery also leads to early remission of type 2 diabetes in the vast majority ...


Gastric bypass surgery may help manage diabetes risk factors

Among mild to moderately obese patients with type 2 diabetes, adding gastric bypass surgery to lifestyle and medical management was associated with a greater likelihood of improved levels of metabolic risk factors such as ...

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