
Global health: longer lives, more lifestyle disease

Life expectancy worldwide has jumped by a decade since 1980, rising in 2015 to 69 years for men and nearly 75 for women, according to a comprehensive overview of global health released Thursday.


Mixed report for global health progress

The world has made progress in curbing infant mortality, stunted growth and other poverty-driven problems, while obesity, alcohol abuse and partner violence has risen, a major review of UN health goals said Wednesday.


Your diet plan isn't working? New research explains why

Many diet plans are doomed from the start. The reason? Dieters tend to adopt the wrong strategies, often planning to ditch their favorite foods and replace them with less-desirable options, according to new research from ...


Adolescent health neglected worldwide: report

Decades of neglect and underinvestment have damaged the health of 10-to-24-year olds worldwide and could hold back future generations, according to a major report published Tuesday.

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