Psychology & Psychiatry

Helicopter parenting backfires, study shows

(Medical Xpress)—If your mom or dad has ever contacted one of your professors, intervened to settle a dispute with your roommates, or hunted for jobs on your behalf, they might be helicopter parents.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why our obsession with happy endings can lead to bad decisions

"All's well that ends well," wrote William Shakespeare over 400 years ago. The words may still seem to ring true today, but turns out they don't. We have just busted the old myth in a recent brain imaging experiment, published ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why realism is the key to wellbeing—new research

Life coaches and motivational speakers often treat positive thinking as the key to happiness. Self-help books tend to promote a similar message, with Norman Vincent Peale's bestseller The Power of Positive Thinking claiming: ...

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