
Paxlovid soon will not be free for Americans

The antiviral Paxlovid has kept patients from becoming severely ill and dying from COVID-19 since it became available—at no cost to them. But by the middle of next year, the U.S. government will stop subsidizing the medication. ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Drug slows Alzheimer's but can it make a real difference?

An experimental Alzheimer's drug modestly slowed the brain disease's inevitable worsening—but the anxiously awaited new data leaves unclear how much difference that might make in people's lives.

Psychology & Psychiatry

In-depth study supports new solutions for health care workers

A major study has shown that health care and social assistance workers are twice as likely to file a workplace compensation claim for psychological injuries, compared to a similar data-set of workers in all non-health care ...

Overweight & Obesity

Is child obesity really going to shorten lives?

Rising life expectancy is one of the great success stories. If you were born in 1870, you'd expect to live until you were 30. But if you were born today, you'd expect to live to 72, and the UN predicts it will continue to ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

WHO report: 17 million in EU may have suffered long COVID-19

New research suggests at least 17 million people in the European Union may have experienced long COVID-19 symptoms during the first two years of the coronavirus pandemic, with women more likely than men to suffer from the ...

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