Overweight & Obesity

Brazil moves to combat rising obesity

Brazil launched a campaign Tuesday to combat the ballooning waistlines of its population—a trend it said costs nearly $250 million each year in treatment of obesity-related diseases.


France told to hike prices to stub out smoking

France's efforts to stub out smoking have been a complete failure, a spending watchdog said Thursday in a damning report that warned only sustained price hikes will curb the country's love affair with Gauloises and Gitanes.


Modest health care spending rise expected for 2013: report

(HealthDay) -- Health care spending in the United States from 2011 to 2013 is expected to grow 4 percent, which is slightly more than the historic low of 3.8 percent in 2009, government officials said Tuesday.


Poll: Health overhaul unpopular, but not as feared

(AP) -- Nearly two years after President Barack Obama signed landmark legislation to cover the uninsured, a new poll finds his health care overhaul is neither better liked nor better understood.


Pharma's niche focus spurs US aid for antibiotics

(AP) -- The pharmaceutical industry won approval to market a record number of new drugs for rare diseases last year, as a combination of scientific innovation and business opportunity spurred new treatments for diseases ...

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