
Repurposing meclofenamate to treat abnormal respiratory mucus

Our respiratory systems are lined with a thin fluid layer called mucus on the inside. The mucus protects us from inhaling harmful and unwanted airborne agents from germs to pollutants; it achieves this feat due to its unique ...

Medical research

Seeing how odor is processed in the brain

A specially created odor delivery device, along with machine learning-based analysis of a scalp-recorded electroencephalogram, has enabled researchers at the University of Tokyo to see when and where odors are processed in ...


Who is getting COVID-19 booster shots (and who's resistant)?

The COVID-19 booster shot campaign is moving at a faster clip than the original vaccination push, according to a new U.S. study. That's the good news. The bad news is the pace may not be quick enough to ward off an onslaught ...

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