
Study questions social media in birthing suites

A Victoria University of Wellington study is investigating how the internet and cellphones, particularly social media, affect mothers connecting with their newborn babies.


Who's smoking now, and why it matters

Suppose you were told that there is something responsible for nearly 1 of every 5 deaths of Americans, and that it is completely avoidable. Would you believe – today – that "something" is cigarette smoking?


Ultrasound enables gene delivery throughout the brain

Rice University researchers tested the safety and feasibility of gene delivery to multiple brain regions using a noninvasive, ultrasound-based technique in rodents, and their findings suggest that the efficiency of gene delivery ...

Medical research

Seeing how odor is processed in the brain

A specially created odor delivery device, along with machine learning-based analysis of a scalp-recorded electroencephalogram, has enabled researchers at the University of Tokyo to see when and where odors are processed in ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Detecting Alzheimer's disease before symptoms arise

Both of Andrew Kiselica's grandfathers developed dementia when he was in graduate school. As Kiselica was going through neuropsychology training in graduate school, he saw his mother's father become unable to walk or speak ...

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