
Make nice with rice to boost your diet

(HealthDay)—If you love rice, you might be wondering how you can make it part of healthy meals. Whether you're trying to drop pounds or stay at a healthy weight, some adjustments will let you keep it on the menu.


Ways to fit pasta into your diet

(HealthDay)—Who doesn't crave a big bowl of spaghetti every now and then? But then comes the question of how to fit it into a smart diet plan.

Oncology & Cancer

Food risks and cancer: What to avoid

After a cancer diagnosis patients ask "Are there specific foods I should be eating or avoiding?" It's not about any one food, and it's not about one diet; it's about a dietary pattern. The dietary pattern that organizations ...


Five ways to stay healthy while getting older

As you age, there are many things you can do to maintain your health. While eating well and staying active are some of the more obvious tips, others may not be so plain to see.


Foods identified as 'whole grain' not always healthy

Current standards for classifying foods as "whole grain" are inconsistent and, in some cases, misleading, according to a new study by Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) researchers. One of the most widely used industry ...


Get the veggies, skip the starch

(HealthDay)—Who doesn't love a big serving of creamy mashed potatoes or a side of steamy rice with their chicken? They're delicious, but it's easy to overindulge in these starchy, higher-calorie foods while falling short ...


Fiber: It's not just for adults

(HealthDay)—You know how important fiber is for overall health, making meals more filling and staying "regular."

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