Psychology & Psychiatry

How to boost your mood through food

You've had a bad breakup, a rotten day at work or you're just too exhausted to cook. You're craving comfort, something to soothe your mood. So, you reach for … a salad?


Most Americans are not getting enough fiber in our diets

Only 5% of men and 9% of women are getting the recommended daily amount of dietary fiber, according to a study being presented at NUTRITION 2021 LIVE ONLINE. Insufficient fiber intake is associated with a higher risk of heart ...


Quinn on Nutrition: What about lectins?

Reader Susan S. writes, in part: "Gut health is finally being brought up in mainstream more often. But almost never this: there are grains, nuts, fruits, and vegetables that have LECTINS that poke tiny holes in our intestines. ...


Q&A: Components of a healthy diet and clean eating

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I gained a bit of weight during quarantine. And as spring approaches, I want to focus on losing the excess pounds. I enjoy exercise, but I struggle with snacking and eating more processed foods than I should. ...


Good for your heart: Heart health tips for a long life

It's only about the size of your fist. Yet every day your heart pumps the amount of blood that could fill a 2,000 gallon tank. Its job? To keep a constant supply of oxygen and nutrient-rich blood flowing through 60,000 miles ...


Five ways to stay healthy while getting older

As you age, there are many things you can do to maintain your health. While eating well and staying active are some of the more obvious tips, others may not be so plain to see.

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