
Grapes could protect against sun damage, say dermatologists

Grapes may help protect against damage to the skin caused by the sun's ultraviolet radiation in healthy adults, according to a new study by researchers in the University of Alabama at Birmingham's Department of Dermatology.

Medical research

Resveratrol in a red wine sauce: Fountain of youth or snake-oil?

Resveratrol, a molecule found in red wine (and red grape skin and elsewhere) is back in the headlines after an international team of researchers published a paper in the journal Sciencelate last week. The news made headlines ...


Wine's red grape pulp offers nutritional bounty

Pomace—the mashed, leftover pulp from red grapes in the early process of making wine—is considered byproduct rubbish. But maybe not for long. In a new Cornell University-led food science study, researchers now demonstrate ...


Fruit juice – just another sugary drink?

(Medical Xpress)—Drinking fruit juice is potentially just as bad for you as drinking sugar-sweetened drinks because of its high sugar content, two medical researchers from the University of Glasgow have warned.

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