
Swiss Red Cross cuts blood supply to broke Greece

(AP)—The Swiss Red Cross is slashing its supply of donor blood to Greece because the financially stricken country has failed to pay its bills on time, the head of the group's transfusion service said Tuesday.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Greece to put travellers on two-week quarantine

Greece will place all incoming travellers in quarantine for two weeks to limit the spread of the coronavirus, a government official said Monday.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Greece to reopen high schools but stay in lockdown

Authorities in Greece say high schools will reopen on Feb. 1 for the first time since mid-November, but that nationwide lockdown measures will remain in effect.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Greece closes schools, bars gatherings in three regions

Greece on Thursday closed schools and universities while cancelling sports events and other public gatherings in three western regions as infections from the new coronavirus rose to ten.

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