
Grid cells create 'treasure map' in rat brain

Grid cells and place cells are specialized neurons that allow the brain to create a map of the outside world in which one navigates (Nobel Prize 2014). This brain GPS system is built on grid cells' strikingly regular pattern ...


Grid cells' role in human imagination revealed

Evidence of grid cell activity has been seen in healthy volunteers asked to imagine moving through an environment in new UCL (University College London) research funded by the Medical Research Council and Wellcome Trust.


New research sheds light on the brain's GPS system

Grid cells are the brain's GPS system. But do they use brain waves to gather information about speed and direction? Researchers at the University of Oslo resolved the question.


'Odometer neurons' encode distance traveled and elapsed time

Animals navigate by calculating their current position based on how long and how far they have traveled and a new study on treadmill-running rats reveals how: neurons called grid cells integrate information about time and ...


'Inner GPS' study may aid diagnosis of brain diseases

A new Dartmouth study sheds light on brain cells in our "inner GPS," which may improve understanding of memory loss and wandering behavior in people with Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases.


Paper proposes new way to understand how the neocortex works

Scientists at Numenta propose a major new theory about how the human brain works. While neuroscientists have amassed an enormous amount of detailed factual knowledge about the brain, there remains no unifying theory as to ...


Study highlights brain cells' role in navigating environment

A new Dartmouth College study sheds light on the brain cells that function in establishing one's location and direction. The findings contribute to our understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying our abilities to successfully ...


Why grid-cell lattices are hexagonal

Specialized brain cells provide an internal coordinate system that enables mammals to orient in space. Scientists at LMU and Harvard University have now shown mathematically why these cells generate hexagonal lattices.


When the brain's GPS goes off the grid

In a new study published in Nature today, Weizmann Institute of Science researchers, in collaboration with colleagues from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, unveiled for the first time how three-dimensional space is represented ...

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