
Mental rest and reflection boost learning, study suggests

A new study, which may have implications for approaches to education, finds that brain mechanisms engaged when people allow their minds to rest and reflect on things they've learned before may boost later learning.


Reality is distorted in brain's maps

The brain's GPS would be worthless if it simply contained maps of our surroundings that were not aligned to the real world. But we now know how this is done.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

People with increased risk of Alzheimer's have deficits in navigating

Animals and humans have the ability to follow their own position in space through self-motion cues, even in the absence of any other sensory information. "If you get up at night and want to find your way to the bathroom in ...


Researchers discover workings of brain's 'GPS system'

Just as a global positioning system (GPS) helps find your location, the brain has an internal system for helping determine the body's location as it moves through its surroundings.

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