Overweight & Obesity

Back to school: Is higher education making you fat?

A new study published today in the journal Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism (APNM) looks beyond the much-feared weight gain common to first-year students and reports on the full 4-year impact of higher education ...


Are you a healthy grocery shopper?

Shop the perimeter and avoid center isles, don't buy anything at eye level, investigate the label. Grocery shopping can be a daunting task. Moreover, studies have shown that Americans obtain most of their food from grocery ...


The Generation X report

Generation X adults prepare an average of 10 meals a week, and eat out or buy fast food an average of three times a week, according to a University of Michigan report that details the role food plays in the lives of Americans ...


The science behind the appeal of pumpkin spice

Fall is still days away but at coffee shops and grocery stores, it's already peak autumn thanks to the arrival of a certain flavor that has come to signal the season's unofficial start. Everyone knows, it's pumpkin spice ...

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