Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Music helps patients with dementia connect with loved ones

People with dementia often lose their ability to communicate verbally with loved ones in later stages of the disease. But a Northwestern Medicine study, in collaboration with Institute for Therapy through the Arts (ITA), ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Gossip and ostracism may have hidden group benefits

Conventional wisdom holds that gossip and social exclusion are always malicious, undermining trust and morale in groups. But sharing this kind of "reputational information" could have benefits for society, according to a ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Is it possible to be too 'nice' for your own good?

Niceness is a topic that tends to fundamentally divide people. Should you put yourself first, stand up for yourself and get back at people who've wronged you or should you put others first and turn the other cheek when attacked? ...

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