Medical research

Oral bacteria create a 'fingerprint' in your mouth

The bacteria in the human mouth – particularly those nestled under the gums – are as powerful as a fingerprint at identifying a person's ethnicity, new research shows.


Severe gum disease is associated with impaired lung function

Lung function declines with increasingly severe gum disease, according to research presented at EuroPerio10, a world congress in periodontology and implant dentistry organized by the European Federation of Periodontology ...


Poor dental health associated with cardiovascular disorders

Gum disease is associated with cardiovascular disorders and gives patients with known cardiovascular disorders a worse prognosis. This is the verdict of the largest study so far done in this field which is the subject of ...


Could a chewing gum really reduce the spread of COVID-19?

An experimental chewing gum could reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, according to a recent study published in the journal Molecular Therapy. You might already have noticed headlines calling the ...


Evidence grows for vaping's role in gum disease

A series of new studies by researchers at NYU College of Dentistry highlights how e-cigarettes alter oral health and may be contributing to gum disease. The latest, published in mBio, finds that e-cigarette users have a unique ...


How flossing and brushing may be good for your lungs

Did you ever think that a simple task like brushing your teeth could actually keep your lungs healthy—in addition to preventing cavities and gum disease? From chewing sticks to using twigs, hog bristles and horsehair, people ...

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