Psychology & Psychiatry

More mental health care alone will not stop gun violence

Gun violence remains a highly controversial issue in the wake of school shootings in Parkland, Florida, and other communities. At such times, politicians seem compelled to offer the public solutions.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Nearly 20 percent of suicidal youths have guns in their home

Nearly one in five children and teens found to be at risk for suicide report that there are guns in their homes, and 15 percent of those at risk for suicide with guns in the home know how to access both the guns and the bullets, ...


'Guns do not make a nation safer,' say doctors

A new study reports that countries with lower gun ownership are safer than those with higher gun ownership, debunking the widely quoted hypothesis that guns make a nation safer. Researchers evaluated the possible associations ...


Research on US gun violence still a low priority, study finds

(HealthDay)—Even though the United States has the highest death rate from firearms of any developed country, gun violence gets short shrift in government research compared to other leading causes of death, a new study reveals.

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