
Microbial therapy for fatty liver

One in four adults has fatty liver, which means that excess fat has accumulated in their liver cells, and the accumulation of fat in the liver has been observed even in children. Fatty liver is a lifestyle disease, and the ...

Overweight & Obesity

Study: 'Good' gut bacteria really could help you lose weight

The trillions of microbes inside of our gut play many very important roles in our body. Not only does this "microbiome" regulate our metabolism and help us absorb nutrients from food into the body, it can also influence whether ...

Arthritis & Rheumatism

Researchers link gut microbiome to rheumatoid arthritis prognosis

A significant indicator of whether a patient with rheumatoid arthritis will improve over the course of disease may lie in part in their gut, according to new research from Mayo Clinic's Center for Individualized Medicine.

Medical research

Gut bacteria rewind aging brain in mice

In 1895, on turning 50, Elie Metchnikoff became increasingly anxious about aging. As a result, the Russian Nobel prize-winning scientist, and one of the founders of immunology, turned his attention away from immunology and ...


Piecing together the preterm infant microbiome

The human microbiome—the collection of microbes living in the gut—is now recognized as an important contributor to health and disease. The environment, the host, and microbe-microbe interactions are all likely to shape ...

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