Biomedical technology

'Smart' cartilage cells programmed to release drugs when stressed

Working to develop new treatments for osteoarthritis, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have genetically engineered cartilage to deliver an anti-inflammatory drug in response to activity ...

Medical research

Hair aging differs by race, ethnicity

While aging is an unavoidable biological process with many influencing factors that results in visible changes to the hair, there is limited literature examining the characteristics of hair aging across the races. Now a new ...

Medical research

Molecular switch controls ability to repair hearing loss in mice

In a study in mice, Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers have found a molecular switch that turns off the animal's ability to repair damaged cells in the inner ear. The findings shed light on regenerative abilities that are ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Earwax sampling could measure stress hormone

A novel method to sample earwax could be a cheap and effective way to measure the hormone cortisol, according to a study led by researchers at UCL and King's College London.

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