
New clues to human deafness found in mice

Providing clues to deafness, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have identified a gene that is required for proper development of the mouse inner ear.

Medical research

New tool to create hearing cells lost in aging

Hearing loss due to aging, noise and certain cancer therapy drugs and antibiotics has been irreversible because scientists have not been able to reprogram existing cells to develop into the outer and inner ear sensory cells—essential ...


Four things you need to know about your vulva

When it comes to female anatomy, there's still a lot that many of us don't know. A 2019 survey from YouGov found that half of those questioned didn't know where the vagina was on a diagram of a woman's genitalia.

Medical research

First gene for grey hair found

The first gene identified for greying hair has been discovered by an international UCL-led study, confirming greying has a genetic component and is not just environmental.

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