Psychology & Psychiatry

How hard is it to recognise that you are experiencing a delusion?

When people experience delusions or hallucinations there is usually some loss of contact with reality whereby normal processes of thought and perception are disturbed. As humans, we are all susceptible to experiencing anomalous ...


Breakthrough opens door to study hallucinations scientifically

A new method for inducing, modelling and measuring visual hallucinations in healthy individuals suggests these complex experiences share a common underlying mechanism with normal visual perception, UNSW researchers say.

Psychology & Psychiatry

New warning signs of mental health disorders

Healthy people who have occasional hallucinations or delusions are more likely to experience mood and anxiety disorders, University of Queensland researchers have found.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Hallucinations linked to differences in brain structure

People diagnosed with schizophrenia who are prone to hallucinations are likely to have structural differences in a key region of the brain compared to both healthy individuals and people diagnosed with schizophrenia who do ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The suffering of African refugees with psychosis

With Europe's migrant crisis showing no sign of ending, ground-breaking new research in the journal Psychosisexplores the harrowing experiences of refugees diagnosed with psychosis.

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