Medical research

Why most hangover cures don't work but a few might help

Most of us know that horrible feeling of tiredness, headache, sweating, nausea and sensitivity to light—the dreaded hangover. For decades researchers have been exploring potential cures for hangovers induced by alcohol.


Need help avoiding hangover? Less booze, more H2O

(AP) -- Chicago attorney Colleen Gorman has a holiday ritual that doesn't involve buying presents or counting down to midnight: She goes online looking for new hangover remedies.


Do hangover cures actually work?

It seemed like a good idea at the time. But a few drinks with friends turned into a few more, and the next morning you're not feeling so crash hot. Is there anything you can take to help?


Can you avoid hangovers after heavy drinking?

Are some people immune to hangovers, and can eating or drinking water after heavy drinking prevent a hangover? The answers appear to be 'no' and 'no' according to new research presented the ECNP conference in Amsterdam.


In Vegas, a new cure for monster hangovers

It's Sunday lunchtime in Las Vegas and Justin looks like he wants to curl up and die. He has a monster hangover after drinking for two days solid. But help, he hopes, is at hand.


How to survive a New Year's hangover

(HealthDay)—Excess drinking on New Year's Eve can lead to a painful morning after, with no sure-fire cure available. But helpful strategies for treating a hangover do exist.


Getting the handle on hangovers

How hangovers affect different people is not easy to predict according to a new Griffith University study.


Smoking may worsen hangover after heavy drinking

People who like to smoke when they drink may be at greater risk of suffering a hangover the next morning, according to a study in the January 2013 issue of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.

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