Psychology & Psychiatry

The Japanese concept of ikigai might be a better goal than happiness

Happiness is the subject of countless quotations, slogans, self-help books and personal choices. It is also being taken seriously by national governments and organisations like the United Nations, as something societies should ...


Women's sexual orientation linked to (un)happiness about birth

Unhappiness about a pregnancy or birth has been associated with negative health outcomes for mothers and babies. Yet, unhappiness about a pregnancy or birth has been understudied, particularly among sexual minority (non-heterosexual) ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Givers really are happier than takers

(HealthDay)—Generosity really is its own reward, with the brain seemingly hardwired for happiness in response to giving, new research suggests.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Sharing voluntarily makes young kids happy

If humans are primarily motivated by self-interest, as traditional economic theory claims, why do we sometimes perform acts of generosity that don't yield us any material benefits? Indeed, such altruistic behavior may sometimes ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mothers' relationship happiness may influence infant fussiness

How happy a mother is in her relationship and the social support she receives may affect the risk of infant colic, according to Penn State College of Medicine researchers. The study sheds new light on the factors that may ...

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