Psychology & Psychiatry

Not kidding: childless couples happier

(HealthDay)—Parents in the United States are not quite as happy as their childless peers, a new report reveals.

Psychology & Psychiatry

African-American women stress compounded

Using incense or lighting a candle may seem like good ways to let go of racial stress, but a recent study found that might not be the case in terms of racial tension among women. In fact, some coping strategies employed by ...


Study: Get moving to get happier

Physical activity has long been known to reduce depression and anxiety, and is commonly prescribed to prevent or cure negative mental health conditions.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Babies make the link between vocal and facial emotion

The ability of babies to differentiate emotional expressions appears to develop during their first six months. But do they really recognise emotion or do they only distinguish the physical characteristics of faces and voices? ...

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