Psychology & Psychiatry

Boys who bully peers more likely to engage in sexual harassment

Adolescent boys who bully peers and engage in homophobic teasing are more likely to perpetrate sexual harassment later on, suggests a new study of middle-school students conducted by researchers at the University of Illinois ...


Research highlights extent and effects of school violence

Six percent of U.S. children and youth missed a day of school over the course of a year because they were the victim of violence or abuse at school. This was a major finding of a study on school safety by University of New ...


Helping women overcome the anguish of unwanted sexual advances

Some young women simply have more resilience and better coping skills and can shrug off the effect of unwanted cat calls, demeaning looks and sexual advances. Women with low resilience struggle and could develop psychological ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Do degrading TV portrayals of women cause gender harassment?

A new study in Psychology of Women Quarterly considers whether objectifying women in television and harassment are causally linked. Researchers Silvia Galdi, Anne Maass, and Mara Cadinu designed two experimental studies that ...


Harassment common for female GPs

More than half of Australian female GPs have experienced sexual harassment by patients - from inappropriate exposure of body parts to unwelcome touching - according to Monash University-led research.

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